Folligen Spray, Cream and Lotion Review

By Paul Taylor

Can the copper peptides in Folligen spray, cream and lotion really stop hair loss and promote new hair growth?

Folligen spray

This review (spread over three pages) explains how copper peptides in the product range of two brands (Folligen and Tricomin) aim to do just that. It also reveals what happened when I tried using one of these products myself.

All of which should help you decide whether or not using copper peptides to tackle hair loss is the right choice for you.

This page takes a look at the Folligen product range and explains how copper peptides are said to work.

Folligen Products

The main products include: Folligen spray for the scalp, a lotion for large areas of denser hair, and a cream for the hairline area.

The lotion and cream have exactly the same ingredients as each other, but the cream is a thicker product. And both contain a lot more ingredients than does the spray.

For example, saw palmetto is an ingredient many people look for when they think about using hair regrowth products, and whilst both the cream and lotion contain saw palmetto, the spray does not.

There’s also a shampoo and a conditioner.

The shampoo aims to strengthen the hair shaft through its high sulfur content (from the amino acid ingredient cysteine). And the conditioner hardens the hair shaft by lowering pH, and seals the outer layer (cuticle) through vitamin B5 and amino acids.

All five products reviewed above contain copper peptides. And all of them can be used either alone or alongside Rogaine (minoxidil).

Note: the manufacturer, Skin Biology Inc., also have a huge range of skin care products – many being specific to treating hands, nails, body, face, eyes, lips, etc.

But, despite having a vast range of products and a customer base of over 25,000, it’s only a very small company (apparently it has less than ten employees). Both the company Skin Biology and its products were created by Dr. Loren Pickart, who also discovered the GHK-copper peptide (see next section).

What Are Copper Peptides?

Copper can exist naturally in the body, such as in the form of tripeptides (which basically means that copper is bonded to three amino acids). And some tripeptides are especially useful to the body.

One of these, called GHK-copper* can, amongst many other useful things, help regenerate skin and hair follicles.

* GHK-copper is a copper complex which also includes three amino acids. Full name: glycyl-l-histidyl-l-lysine:copper (II) or GHK-Cu for short.

The Skin Biology website sometimes refers to: "skin remodeling copper peptides" (or SRCPs) which are based on this GHK-copper peptide.

However, most Skin Biology products use mixed copper peptides in the form of copper chloride attached to soy proteins. These can be up to ten times more powerful than the GHK-copper peptide but are, apparently, very safe to use, meaning that no side effects from the copper in Folligen products should be experienced.

Note: On the next page you can learn about the potential side effects from copper peptides.

How Do Copper Peptides Work?

There may be a number of ways in which copper and copper peptides could be beneficial to hair growth. These include:

1. Copper May Help SOD

As you might already know, "free radicals" can be very bad news for your body. But, the good news is that your body can use antioxidants to counteract them. And one of the most powerful of these is super oxide dismutase (SOD).

SOD is especially important because it can prevent the "superoxide" free radical reacting with nitric oxide to form peroxynitrite (this is another free radical that can damage DNA and proteins in human cells, and has also been shown to harm hair follicles).

SOD needs a number of minerals to be fully active, and this includes copper. But whilst nutritional intake of some of these minerals (such as zinc) is usually OK, there can quite often be an deficiency in copper.

So, putting more natural organic-based copper into your body might be a smart move. And copper peptides such as GHK-copper (mentioned above) can act as SOD mimetics, which means that they can mimic the positive effects of the SOD antioxidant enzyme (1).

2. New blood vessel growth

It would appear that some copper peptides may be linked to angiogenesis (blood vessel formation) of the capillaries that serve the hair follicles (2). Clearly then, this is something that could also have a positive effect on hair regrowth.

A more comprehensive list of the many possible ways in which copper peptides can help hair regrowth is given on the next page.

Does Folligen Really Work?

Well, there certainly are a few good customer reviews for these products.

And, apparently, there have also been many reports of gray hair returning to the customer's original hair color too. That's because copper forms part of tyrosinase, an enzyme that converts the amino acid tyrosine into melanin pigments to give hair its color. So it’s easy to see the connection if indeed Folligen products can reverse gray hair.

This page 1 of 3.

Read next page? Folligen vs. Tricomin.

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