Mane Hair Thickening Spray Review: Any Side Effects?

By Paul Taylor

Mane Hair Spray should thicken hair without side effects. However, this review explains why this popular and successful hair loss concealer still has problems.

Mane Product Details

Mane Hair Thickening Spray is actually a powder that aims to thicken the appearance of your hair much like mascara does for eyelashes. 

After spraying it on, you then need to spray your hair again using "Mane Seal and Control" or "Mane Seal and Shine" to give some protection against wind and water.

Other products in the range include three types of shampoo, a conditioner and Mane Hair Loss Fibers.*

* This product very much seems like they’re getting in on the act following the success Nanogen has had with their fiber product.

Any side effects from Mane Hair Thickening Spray?

No, none reported.

All Mane products have been tested and are considered safe to use. But that still doesn’t mean there aren’t any other problems you need to be aware of.

So, continuing my review from the previous page:

Problem #3 – Men and Cosmetics?

Hair cosmetic product

All hair loss concealers are essentially cosmetic products. Perhaps then, women might generally feel more comfortable using them than most men.

In the case of Mane, you use it as you would mascara for eyelashes, only with a spray rather than a small brush.

And I think women might find hair loss concealers more useful and effective than men do too.

That's because most women are far less likely to suffer extreme hair loss than men. So they should always have at least a reasonable amount of hair to work with.

But most men will eventually develop areas of complete baldness - something you obviously can't cover up, no matter how much concealer you use.

However, despite this, I still don't think women should use concealers. That's because, just as most women suffer less hair loss than men, most women are also more likely to respond to treatment.

So if a woman chose to cover up her hair loss and not get treatment to tackle the underlying cause, this could be asking for trouble in the long run.

And this leads on to the next problem:

Problem #4 – Concealers Might Make Your Hair Loss Worse

I think it’s possible that concealers could, in a way, contribute to the hair loss process.

That’s because, if someone were to use a concealer all the time, this might mean they're less likely to really focus on what’s actually causing their hair loss and then do something about it.

Hair loss is a progressive condition. Don’t ignore it!

So, rather than messing around with concealer products, I think it’s far better to spend your time and effort really getting to grips with your hair loss instead.

The method I used to stop my own hair loss and promote hair regrowth has been hugely successful for many other men and women too, and involves techniques which act directly on the scalp.

They don’t simply cover up your hair loss and hide the truth about your condition.

Problem #5 – Messy and Unhealthy

On the official website, a demonstration video shows Mane hair spray being used, and afterwards, a second spray as well (to seal the fibers onto the hair).

Both sprays appeared to be so powerful that the force of them almost seemed to spray away the patient's hair!

And it also looked like such spraying could easily get the product into your eyes, ears and face. This observation is echoed in a few Amazon reviews:

"Not so easy to use. Leaves black stain on face and dress after few hours of applying"

"This stuff gets everywhere, if you scratch your head you'll have brown stuff in your finger nails. It comes off on things and made my sofa discoloured and my pillows brown! If it rains it will run down your face. Save yourself the time and money and buy a hat."

"Never ever buying this product again waste of money it doesn't even make your hair thicker and when I went to sleep it made the colour go all over my pillow".

Note: other Mane hair spray reviews were quite complementary.

So, even if a product is deemed safe, I’m sure if you breathed it in, it wouldn't be too healthy for your nose, throat and lungs.

Obviously then, you’d probably need to hold your breath and be quite careful when you apply these products (and probably should do so in a ventilated area).

The next page explains problem #6.

This is page 2 of 4.

Read next page? Say "No" to Nanogen!

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